Islam & Animal Ethics: Key Insights
Sacred Islamic texts teach that God created all that exists, maintains ownership over all that has been made, and that Muslims are to submit to and serve God amid creation. Kindness is a core Islamic ethic and animals have rights through God—rights that are breached in contemporary animal agriculture industries, requiring Muslims to choose vegan. Islamic stories reveal both the power of nonhuman animals and the moral and spiritual expectation that other creatures be treated kindly. Unfortunately, some Islamic practices conflict with core ethics, including ritual animal sacrifice, but Muhammad modeled activism on behalf of the downtrodden, and Islamic animal activists are working for change.
Texts & Teachings
Islam teaches that humans are to serve God in creation, be kind, and that other creatures have rights through their Creator.
The Creator appointed humans to serve God as viceregents amid creation.
Islam requires kindness, and how we treat animals will matter on judgement day.
Through their Creator, other creatures have rights that must be respected.
Core Islamic teachings require choosing vegan.
Humans have been instructed to caretake creation and choosing vegan protects people, animals, and the planet.
Islamic law grants animal rights that are breached by contemporary animal agriculture practices.
Tayyib (wholesome and pure) and halal foods require choosing vegan.
Sacred Stories
Islamic stories remind that other animals are neighbors who are not only obedient to God, but are often moral exemplars.
The Quran tells of God granting a camel to a community with instructions that she be treated justly and well—in killing her they destroy themselves.
Hadith tell of Muhammad’s mercy and kindness, such as the story of an abused camel and that of a Bird with thirsty young.
Abusive Traditions
Muhammad modeled animal activism.
Muhammad spoke up on behalf of disabused animals.
Contemporary Islamic animal activists work to bring about God’s will by working on behalf of animals in movements such as the Vegan Islam Initiative of the Middle East Vegan Society.
Relevant Publication by Tapestry:
Vegan Ethics
A short description about the book, should take about two rows and not more.
Image Credits
Banner Image:
Texts & Teachings: A calligraphic composition in the form of a bird incorporating the bismallah, probably India, 19th Century | Bonhams Auction house
Sacred Stories:
Abusive Traditions: WeAnimals
Activism: Altab Hossain – Vegan, Animal Rights Activist) | Published at Peta India